Aikido Terms & Glossary
GLOSSARY OF JAPANESE TERMS USED IN CLASSES (Thanks to Pierce and Lindblad Senseis for this glossary)
abara-hone = the ribs.
ago = chin.
agura = sit with one’s legs crossed.
ai = harmony; love.
ai-gamae = same as ai-hammi.
ai-hammi = nage and uke stand facing each other in the same hammi.
aikido = the way of harmonizing with ki (of the universe).
aikido menjo = aikido certificate.
ashi = foot; leg.
ashi-barai = sweep the leg.
ashi-kubi = ankle.
ashi-no-koh = the instep of a foot.
ashi-no-ura = the sole of a foot.
ashi-no-yubi = toe.
ashi-sabaki = footwork.
ashi-sukui = sweep the leg.
ashi-tori = grab foot.
ashi-uchi = strike the leg.
atama = head.
atemi = techniques of punching or striking used by nage; strike with the fist at a vital point.
ayumi-ashi = walking footwork.
ban’yu-aigo = love and protect all creation.
barai = sweep.
beru = beer.
bokken = wooden sword.
bokuto = wooden sword.
bugu = weapon.
buki = weapon.
chudan = sword position; sword thrust out to the middle level.
chuden = ki rank which is one rank higher than shoden.
chukyu = the ki rank which is one rank higher than shokyu.
dakkyu = dislocation.
dan = black belt ranks in aikido.
deguchi = exit.
deiretsu = line up.
den = ki ranks which are higher than kyu ranks.
deshi = student.
do = the trunk, waist.
do = way; path; a discipline; a practice striving for perfection.
do-uchi = strike the trunk.
dojo = the place where students practice together; school.
dojo kiku = rules and regulations of the dojo.
dotai = the trunk of the body.
en = a circle.
en-undo = a circular motion.
fudo-shin = the immovable mind; an unbending spirit; imperturbability.
fudo-tai = the immovable posture with mind and body coordinated.
funakogi undo = exercise in which you move your legs, lower body and arms as if rowing a boat.
futari taiso = certain movement exercises for two persons.
futari-gake = two man attack.
futatsu = 2 two.
gedan = sword position; sword lowered to the downward level.
gi = clothes; training clothes.
go = 5 five.
godan = 5th dan.
go ju = 50 fifty.
gokyo = one of the techniques of katame-waza; refer to katame-waza.
gokyu = 5th kyu.
gonin-gake = five man attack.
gorei = a word of command.
gyaku-gamae = same as gyaku-hammi.
gyaku-hammi = nage and uke stand facing each other in the opposite hammi.
gyoshu jikkun = ten precepts for spiritual training.
ha = blade; edge.
hachi = 8 eight.
hachi ju = 80 eighty.
hachi-no-ji = figure eight.
hachidan = 8th dan.
hachikyu = 8th kyu.
hagai-jime = pinion nage’s arms.
hai = yes!; now!.
hajime = start!.
hajime-masho = let’s begin.
hajime-masu = let’s begin.
hakama = black or blue divided skirt worn over the gi.
hammi = a posture in which one foot is advanced one step and the weight of the body is distributed equally on both feet.
hana = nose.
hanaji = nosebleed.
hantai = opposite.
hantai-tenkan = after stepping backward, nage steps forward with the same foot and turns.
happo = eight directions.
happo undo = exercise in which you swing you arms upward and downward at each count and move your body to eight directions.
happo-giri = cut eight directions with a sword.
hara = abdomen; spirit, courage, guts.
harai = sweep.
hasso = sword position; sword raised vertically near right shoulder.
heso = navel; the bellybutton.
hidari = left.
hidari-hammi = left hammi posture.
hiji = elbow.
hiji-tori = grab the elbow or elbows.
hiji-uchi-men-uchi = hit the elbow, then hit the face.
hiki-otoshi = pull down.
hitai = forehead.
hitori waza = single person technique.
hitotsu = 1 one.
hiza = knee.
ho = method.
hoko = direction.
hone = bone.
hyoshigi = wooden clappers.
ichi = 1 one.
ikkyo = one of the techniques of kateme-waza; refer to katame-waza.
ikkyo undo = exercise in which you swing your arms upward at count of 1 and swings them downward at count of 2.
ikkyu = 1st kyu; the highest kyu rank.
intoku = good done without reward; a secret act of charity.
intoku-kaho = do good in secret.
ippan-geiko = general practice sessions in which everyone trains together.
iriguchi = entrance.
irimi = step forward.
irimi = step forward; after stepping backward nage steps forward in front of uke.
irimi ashi-uchi men-uchi = nage strikes uke’s kicking leg and then strikes him in the face.
irimi atemi = step forward and punch uke’s lower abdomen.
irimi en-undo = step forward and swing arm in a circular motion.
irimi juji = enter with cross block
irimi kaiten-nage = after stepping forward and passing under uke’s arm, nage throws uke like rolling a ball.
irimi kiri-oroshi = lead uke’s ki by swinging nage’s arm downward while stepping forward.
irimi kubi-uchi = step outside foot forward, raise outside arm and cut down uke’s body near his neck.
irimi shomen-uchi = when uke punches nage, nage slides forward on his front foot and strikes uke in the face.
irimi sudori = step in diagonally and bow completely; pass under uke’s arm and turn when nage steps in. Alt: step in and bow completely into a kneeling position; nage passes in front of uke when uke strikes nage on the head.
irimi tekubi-kiri = step in and cut uke’s wrist.
irimi tekubi-kosa-tori = nage steps in, crossing his arms midair to grab uke’s wrist from above.
irimi tekubi-tori = step in and grab uke’s wrist.
irimi tenchi-nage = step in, raising one hand as if pointing to the sky, the other hand reaching towards the earth.
irimi tobikomi = step behind uke and turn (kokyu-nage and kote-gaeshi), step in front of uke and turn (shiho-nage).
irimi tobikomi tenkan = enter and block, turn uke, and lead uke down while holding his wrist and using the other hand as a knife edge at his elbow.
irimi ude-kiri-oroshi = step in and cut uke’s arm around his elbow.
irimi ude-oroshi = step in, swing one arm up and then downward towards uke’s chest.
irimi undo = exercise in which you raise one arm and move your body straight forward.
irimi-tori = nage steps in grabs a sword by the hilt and throws uke forward taking the sword from him.
ishi = will.
ishiki = consciousness; awareness.
itsutsu = 5 five.
jigan-on’yo = have merciful eyes and genial face.
jo = stick, up.
jo-bukuro = stick sack in which tanto, bokken and jo are kept.
jodan = sword position; sword raised to the upper body.
joge = up(jo) and down (ge); upward and downward.
jogi = stick techniques; stick performance.
joho = upper.
jokoh = the associate lecturer which is one rank higher than joshu.
jokyu = the ki rank which is one rank higher than chukyu.
jo-nage = techniques in which nage throws uke by using the stick.
joshu = the assistant lecturer.
jo-tori = techniques in which uke attacks with the stick and nage takes the stick from uke and throws him.
ju = 10 ten.
judan = 10th dan; the highest black belt rank.
ju ichi = 11 eleven.
juji = cross.
juji irimi = nage steps forward with his outside leg, crossing his arms.
jukkyu = 10th kyu; the lowest kyu rank.
ju ni = 12 twelve.
ka = down, under
kaho = lower.
kai = society, as in “Ki No Kenkyukai” = Ki Society.
kaiten-nage = grab uke’s wrist, push down his head and throw him forward like rolling a ball.
kakari-geiko = group practice sessions in which students are divided into several groups.
kakato = heel.
kake (gake) = attack.
kakudai-ho = expansion method.
kamae (gamae) = posture; make a pose.
kan’yu-taido = be forgiving and tolerant.
kansetsu = joint.
kansha-hoon = be grateful and repay one’s kindness.
kao = face.
karada = body.
kata = form; pattern.
kata = shoulder.
kata-tori = grab one shoulder.
kata-tori-shomen-uchi = grab one shoulder, then strike nage in the head.
katachi = shape.
katame-waza = techniques which render uke immobile on the floor such as ikkyo, nikyo, sankyo, yonkyo and gokyo.
katana = sword.
katana-kake = a sword rack.
katate-kosa-tori = grab one hand like shaking hands; crossed-handed.
katate-tori = grab one hand at the same side.
kazu = number.
kega = injury; wound; hurt.
kei-kotsu = the neck bone.
keiko (geiko) = practice; training; practice sessions.
keiko-gi (gi) = training clothes.
ken = sword.
kengi = sword techniques; sword performance.
kenko = health.
kenko taiso = health exercise.
kenko-kotsu = a shoulder blade.
kenzai ishiki = the conscious mind.
keri (geri) = kick.
kesa-giri = cut down with a sword from the neck through the upper body diagonally.
kesa-giri ashi-barai = cut down with a sword from the neck through the upper body diagonally, then sweep the leg.
ketsueki = blood.
ki = the life energy force of the universe; the dynamism of mind and body coordination.
kiai = a yell with spirit; “E-YEA-E” in sound.
kiatsu = pressing with ki, a method to promote human health.
kiatsu-ho = pressing method with ki.
kihaku = spirit; vigor; strong drive.
kiku = rules and regulations in the training hall or dojo.
ki menjo = ki certificates.
kimochi = a feeling; a frame of mind.
kinniku = muscle.
kinniku-tsu = muscular pain.
ki no kenkyukai = ki society.
ki-no-kokyu-ho = ki breathing method.
ki-no-seiza-ho = ki meditation method.
ki-no-sho = ki calligraphy which is hung up at the shomen of the dojo.
ki-no-taiso = ki development exercises.
ki-no-tanto = wooden knife.
ki-no-toitsu-ho = ki unification method; teaching of four major rules of mind and body coordination.
ki-okuri undo = exercise for sending forth ki.
kirikaeshi = reverse with a sword.
kirikaeshi = reverse; reverse uke’s direction to throw him.
kirikaeshi ojigi = reverse and bow.
kiri-oroshi = cut down; lead uke’s ki like cutting down.
kiryoku = vitality; ki energy.
kissaki = the point of a sword.
koho = back; backward.
koho-tento undo = exercise for rolling backward from the posture of agura and coming back to the original posture; exercise for rolling backward from the posture of agura or tachi-sugata and standing up completely.
koho-ukemi = roll backward.
kohshi = the ki lecturer which is the highest rank of ki lecturers.
koishitsu = changing room.
kokonotsu = 9 nine.
kokoro = mind; heart; spirit; soul.
kokoro-gake = mental attitude.
kokoro-gamae = mental attitude.
kokyu = breath; breathing; timing.
kokyu dosa = ki exercise for two persons in which nage throws uke, both starting from seiza posture.
kokyu-ho = breathing method; breathing exercise.
kokyu-nage = one of techniques of nage-waza; a throw in which nage uses the timing of both his mind and body to throw uke.
kosa = cross.
koshi = area from the small of the back to the tailbone.
koshi-nage = a throw in which nage uses his hips to throw uke.
koshin = move backward.
koshin en-undo = step back, then lead uke in a circle in front of uke.
koshin kaiten nage = step back then perform rotary throw.
koshin tekubi-kosa-tori = step back and bring both palms up, take uke’s base of thumb.
kossetsu = fracture of a bone; a broken bone.
kote = forearm.
kote-gaeshi = one of techniques of nage-waza; a throw in which nage bends uke’s wrist downward to throw him.
kote-gaeshi undo = exercise in which you grab your wrist from underneath and bends it downward gently.
kote-uchi = strike the forearm with a sword.
ku = 9 nine.
kubi = neck.
kubi-shime = strangle the neck.
kubi-uchi = strike the neck.
kuchi = mouth.
ku ju = 90 nine.
kumi-tachi = sword performance by two persons; refer to tachi-uchi.
kumi waza = technique involving others.
kyu = 9 nine.
kyu = ki ranks such as shokyu, chukyu and jokyu.
kyu = aikido ranks before you are promoted to a black belt rank.
kyudan = 9th dan.
kyudo-shin = the mind that seeks after truth.
kyukei = take a short rest.
kyukyu = 9th kyu.
kyusho = a vital part; the vitals.
maai = proper distance between nage and uke.
mae = front; forward.
mae-geri = kick the front of nage.
makikaeshi = strum; move nage’s hand like strumming a guitar.
makikaeshi-nage = larger strum movement than makikaeshi.
maru = a circle.
matte = wait!.
mawashi-geri = kick the side of nage; turning kick.
me = eye.
men = head; face.
men-uchi = strike the face.
menjo = certificate.
michi = way; path; a discipline; a practice striving for perfection.
michibiki = lead; guide.
michibiki-kaeshi = lead uke’s ki around and reverse to throw him.
michibiki-kubi-uchi = lead uke’s ki forward, then reverse to strike his neck.
migi = right.
migi-hammi = right hammi posture.
mimi = ear.
mind-sword = (use the mental image of a imaginary sword).
mine = the back of a sword.
misogi = purification.
mittsu = 3 three.
mochi = grab; hold.
momo = thigh.
mune = chest.
mune-tsuki = punch to the chest.
muttsu = 6 six.
nage = thrower; throw.
nage-waza = throwing techniques such as kokyu-nage, kote-gaeshi, shiho-nage, etc.
nana = 7 seven.
nanadan = 7th dan.
nana ju = 70 seventy.
nanakyu = 7th kyu.
naname = diagonal.
naname-mae = diagonally forward.
naname-ushiro = diagonally backward.
nanatsu = 7 seven.
nen = will.
nen-no-chikara = willpower; the concentrated mind.
nenriki = willpower.
nenza = sprain.
ni = 2 two.
nidan = 2nd dan.
nido = twice.
nido ojigi = bow twice.
ni ju = 20 twenty.
ni ju ichi = 21 twenty-one.
nikyo = one of the techniques of katame-waza; refer to kateme-waza.
nikyo undo = exercise in which you grab your hand from the top and bend it inward gently.
nikyu = 2nd kyu.
nintai = perseverance; patience; endurance.
ni sen = 200 two hundred.
nodo = throat.
nodo-tsuki = poke the throat with a sword.
obi = belt.
ochitsuki = living calmness.
ojigi = bow.
okuden = the highest ki rank.
onegaishimasu = humble request, as in “please teach me.”
oroshi = lead downward; nage cuts down uke’s arm around the elbow to throw him forward.
osame = the conclusion of a sword or stick performance.
ototshi = lead or drop downward.
owari = finish!.
owari-masho = let’s finish.
owari-masu = let’s finish.
rei = bow.
reisei-shin = the divine mind; the mind with spirituality.
renzoku = continuation.
ritsu-rei = make a bow from the standing posture.
roku = 6 six.
rokudan = 6th dan.
rokkyu = 6th kyu.
roku ju = 60 sixty.
ryokata-tori = grab both shoulders.
ryote-mochi = grab with two hands.
ryote-tori = grab both hands.
ryu = school, style of teaching, as in “daitso-ryu aiki-jutsu”
sabaki = handling; manipulation, movement.
sageo = a sword-knot located on the scabbard.
sakate-mochi = in tanto-tori, uke grabs a knife in opposite holding method and pokes nage’s neck; in jo-nage, nage grabs a stick in opposite holding method.
sake = rice wine; salmon.
san = 3 three.
sandan = 3rd dan.
san ju = 30 thirty.
sankaku = a triangle.
sankaku-no-kamae = triangle posture; a posture of hammi; a posture from which the thrusting by the sword is done.
sankyo = one of the techniques of katame-waza; refer to kateme-waza.
sankyo undo = exercise in which you grab your hand from upper side and thrust it outward gently.
sankyu = 3rd kyu.
sannin-gake = three man attack.
saya = sheath; scabbard.
sayu = left (sa) and right (yu or u).
sayu undo = exercise in which you swing your arms to your left side at count of 1 and bend your left knee at the count of 2, then swing your arms to your right side at the count of 3 and bend your right knee at the count of 4.
seika-no-itten = one point in the lower abdomen.
seiki-hatsuratsu = be positive and vigorous.
seiretsu = line up!.
seishin = spirit.
seiza = kneeling posture.
seiza-ho = meditation method; same as ki-no-seiza-ho.
sen = 100 one hundred.
senaka = back.
senaka-awase = back to back.
sensei = instructor; teacher.
senzai ishiki = the subconscious mind; subconsciousness.
setsudo = teaching the way of the universe.
shichi = 7 seven.
shichidan = 7th dan.
shichikyu = 7th kyu.
shido-in = assistant instructor.
shido shikaku = teaching qualification.
shihan = an instructor with 7th degree black belt rank or higher.
shiho = four directions.
shiho-nage = one of techniques of nage-waza; a throw in which nage swings uke’s arm upward, turns completely and throws him downward.
shikaku = a square.
shikko = knee walking.
shime (jime) = tighten; choke.
shin = mind; body.
shinken = real sword.
shinogi = the ridges on the sides of a sword blade.
shinryo-meisatsu = think deep and judge well.
shinsa = examination.
shinshin = mind and body.
shinshin toitsu = coordination of mind and body.
shinshin toitsu aikido = aikido with mind and body coordinated.
shinshin toitsudo = the way of coordinating mind and body.
shiri = hips.
shisei = posture; position.
shishi-futo = persevere diligently.
shita = down; downward.
shizen-tai = standing posture with legs shoulder width.
shodan = beginning (1st degree) black belt rank (1st dan).
shoden = ki rank which is one rank higher than jokyu.
shokushu = a booklet of Ki Sayings which is read by students before a class starts.
shokyu = the lowest ki rank.
shomen = front; the wall where the ki calligraphy (ki-no-sho) is hung.
shomen-uchi = strike the face; strike nage on the top of head or forehead; refer to irimi shomen-uchi.
shomen-uchi-ikkyo undo = same as ikkyo undo; refer to ikkyo undo.
shoshinsha-geiko = beginners practice sessions.
shoto = a shorter sword.
shugyo = training; spiritual training.
sonomama = stay there!.
soremade = that’s it!.
suburi = repeat the same swinging method with a sword.
sudori = pass through; refer to irimi sudori; move under.
sudori-nage = throw forward after passing under uke’s arm; see also kaiten-nage.
sudori-tori = enter under uke’s arm pit, turning outside until you face uke, twisting his wrist, as in sankyu
sugata = figure; form; posture.
suikomi = drain; nage suddenly bows so uke’s ki flows downward.
suikomi-ude-oroshi = after nage bows leading uke’s ki downward, nage raises his arms and swings them downward to throw.
suji = muscle; tendon; sinew.
suji-chigai = cramp.
sune = shin.
suri-ashi = sliding walk; shuffling walk.
suwaru = sitting down.
suwari-waza = techniques done while kneeling.
suwatte = sit down!.
suzu = misogi bell
tachi = sword.
tachi-sugata = standing posture.
tachi-tori = nage takes the sword from uke and throws him.
tachi-uchi = two persons hold swords and perform some pattern of sword movement with each other.
tai-bugu-geiko = practice sessions in which weapons such as tanto, bokken and jo are used by uke.
tai-buki-geiko = same as tai-bugu-geiko.
tai-sabaki = body movement of a turning or pivoting nature.
taigi = arts with ki in the state of coordinating mind and body.
taiso = exercise.
taizen-fudo = be calm and composed.
tanden = the abdomen.
tanto = knife.
tanto-tori = nage takes the knife from uke and throws him.
tatami = tatami mat; straw matting.
tatsu = stand up.
tatte = stand up!.
te = hand.
te-no-hira = wrist.
te-no-koh = the back of a hand.
te-sabaki = handwork.
tearai = toilet.
tekubi = wrist.
tekubi-kiri = cut wrist.
tekubi-kiri-oroshi = take uke’s wrist and cut down.
tekubi-kosa = cross wrist.
tekubi kosa tori = take uke’s wrist cross hand.
tekubi-kosa undo = exercise in which you cross your wrists around the one point in the lower abdomen; exercise in which you cross your wrists in front of your face (joho).
tekubi-tori = grab the wrist or wrists.
tenchi-nage = when nage throws uke, one hand points up and the other stretches down towards the ground.
tenkan = turn; step backward.
tenkan en-undo = after turning or stepping backward, nage swings his arm in a circular motion and steps backward.
tenkan irimi tobikomi = outside turn, then reverse and enter and lead uke down.
tenkan kaiten-nage = after turning or stepping backward, nage throws uke like rolling a ball.
tenkan kirikaeshi = after turning or stepping backward, nage reverses uke’s direction to throw him.
tenkan tekubi-tori = after turning, nage grabs uke’s wrist.
tenkan tenchi-nage = after turning or stepping backward, nage throws uke, one hand points up and the other stretches down towards the ground.
tenkan ude-kiri-oroshi = outside turn, then reverse and cut uke’s arm down at the elbow.
tenkan ude-oroshi = after turning, nage swings his arm upward and then downward to uke’s chest.
tenkan undo = exercise in which you thrust out one hand, turn your body, step behind and close your feet.
tobikomi = step forward and turn.
toitsu = coordination; unification.
toitsu-do = the way of coordination.
toitsu-ho = concentration method.
toitsu-tai = the posture with mind and body coordinated.
tokanoma = altar.
tomare = stop!.
tori = grab; hold; uke grabs nage.
tou = 10 ten.
tsuba = the guard of a sword.
tsuchi-fumazu = the arch of the foot; the plantar arch.
tsugi = next!.
tsugi-ashi = after one foot advances, the other foot is closed immediately, then do the same footwork again.
tsuka = the hilt of a sword.
tsuki = poke (with a knife, sword or stick) punch; uke punches nage.
tsuki-kaeshi = uke pokes nage with jo and nage throws him by reversing his direction.
tsuma-saki = the tip of a toe.
tsume = nail.
tsuzukete = continue!.
uchi = strike; uke strikes nage.
uchimi = bruise.
uchiwa = a paper fan.
uchiwa-nage = lead uke’s ki like fanning.
uchiwa-nage kubi-uchi = lead uke’s ki like fanning, then reverse to strike his neck.
uchiwa-nage men-uchi = lead uke’s ki like fanning, then reverse to strike his face.
uchu-rei = the universal spirit.
uchu-reisei = have universal spirit.
ude = arm.
ude-furi undo = exercise in which you swing your arms from side to side.
ude-furi-choyaku undo = exercise in which you swing your arms while turning.
ude-kiri = cut arm.
ude-kiri-oroshi = cut arm around elbow.
ude-mawashi undo = exercise in which your swing one arm or both arms, emphasizing a down stroke and a circular motion.
ude-nuki = slide arm out like pulling a nail.
ude-oroshi = nage’s arms drop downward to uke’s chest.
ue = up; upward.
ugokuna = don’t move!.
uke = a person who is thrown by nage.
ukemi = safe ways of falling down.
undo = exercise; motion.
uragaeshi = inside-out; reverse.
ushiro = back; backward; behind.
ushiro-hagai-jime = pinion nage’s arms from behind.
ushiro-jiji-tori = grab the elbows from behind.
ushiro-kata-tori = grab both shoulders from behind.
ushiro-katate-tori-kubi-shime = grab one hand and strangle the neck from behind.
ushiro-muki = look backward.
ushiro-muki = look backward.
ushiro-muki kirikaeshi-kubi-uchi = after looking backward, nage reverses and strikes uke on the neck.
ushiro-muki suikomi ude-oroshi = after looking backward, nage suddenly bows leading uke’s ki downward, then stands up and swings both arms downward towards his chest.
ushiro-tekubi-tori = grab the wrists from behind.
ushiro-tekubi-tori-koshin undo = exercise in which you raise your arms and step backward at the count of 1, then bow and lower both arms completely at the count of 2.
ushiro-tekubi-tori-zenshin undo = exercise in which you raise your arms and step forward at the count of 1, then bow and lower both arms at the count of 2.
ushiro-tori = hold the upper chest with both arms from behind.
ushiro-tori undo = exercise in which you spread both arms to your sides at the count of 1, then make a slope with both arms at the count of 2.
ushiro-tsuki = uke thrusts at nage with tanto from behind.
ushiro-uchi = after looking backward, strike immediately with a sword or stick.
ushiro-waza = every technique in which uke attacks nage from behind.
waki = side.
waki-gamae = sword position; sword lowered to the side and backward.
waki-no-shita = armpit.
waki-zashi = a short sword.
waza = techniques such as nage-waza and kateme-waza; refer to nage waza and katame waza.
yame = stop!.
yasumi-masho = let’s take a short rest.
yasumi-masu = let’s take a short rest.
yattsu = 8 eight.
yoko = side; sideways.
yoko-barai = swing a sword or stick horizontally back and forth.
yokomen-uchi = strike nage on the side of the neck.
yon = 4 four.
yondan = 4th dan.
yonin-gake = four man attack.
yon ju = 40 forty.
yonkyo = one of techniques of katame-waza; refer to katame-waza; involves pressing on the radial nerve either on the lower arm or the lower leg.
yonkyu = 4th kyu.
yottsu = 4 four.
yubi = finger; toe.
yudansha = holder of a black belt rank.
yudansha-geiko = black belt rank holders’ practice sessions.
za-rei = make a bow from the sitting posture.
zagi = every technique in which both nage and uke start in seiza.
zagi-handachi = every technique in which uke attacks nage who is kneeling.
zagi-handachi-katate-tori = standing uke grabs one hand of kneeling nage.
zagi-handachi-mune-tsuki = standing uke punches at the chest of kneeling nage.
zagi-handachi-shomen-uchi = standing uke strikes the top of head or forehead of kneeling nage.
zagi-mune-tsuki = from the seiza posture, uke punches nage’s chest.
zagi-shomen-uchi = from seiza posture, uke strikes nage on the top of head or forehead.
zanshin = remaining mind; use your full mind every moment.
zengo = front (zen) and back (go); forward and backward.
zengo undo = exercise in which you swing your arms upward and downward at the counts of 1 and 2, then pivot 180 degrees and swing both arms upward and downward at the counts of 3 and 4.
zenpo = forward.
zenpo-kaiten undo = exercise for taking a forward roll repeatedly.
zenpo-nage = a forward throwing in which uke is thrown forward by nage as if a ball were rolling.
zenpo-nage ashi-tori = nage grabs uke’s foot with both hands and throws him forward.
zenpo-nage irimi sudori = nage steps diagonally in front of uke and bows completely while uke is taking a forward roll.
zenpo-nage kirikaeshi = nage reverses uke’s direction to throw him forward.
zenpo-nage kirikaeshi ojigi = nage reverses uke’s direction and bows to throw uke forward.
zenpo-nage koshin = nage throws uke forward while stepping backward in a step-hop-step fashion.
zenpo-nage koshin ojigi = nage steps backward and bows to throw uke forward.
zenpo-nage kubi-uchi = nage strikes uke on the neck to throw him forward.
zenpo-nage nido ojigi = nage steps backward, bows, leads uke behind nage, then bows again to throw him forward.
zenpo-nage ojigi = nage moves his upper body leading uke’s ki and bows to throw him forward.
zenpo-nage sudori-tori = throw uke forward by holding his arm underneath and taking it down using both arms.
zenpo-nage tekubi-tori = nage grabs uke’s wrist to throw him forward.
zenpo-nage ude-kiri = nage moves toward the throw while cutting at the elbow.
zenpo-nage zenshin = nage steps forward while turning, then throws uke forward.
zenpo-ukemi = roll forward; forward fall.
zenshin = move forward.
zenshin-koshin undo = exercise in which you move backward (koshin) like step, hop and step at the count of 1, then move forward (zenshin) in the same way at the count of 2.
A.2 Numbers
kazu = number.
ichi; hitotsu = 1 one.
ni; futatsu = 2 two.
san; mittsu = 3 three.
shi; yon; yottsu = 4 four.
go; itsutsu = 5 five.
roku; muttsu = 6 six.
shichi; nana; nanatsu = 7 seven.
hachi; yattsu = 8 eight.
kyu; ku; kokonotsu = 9 nine.
ju; tou = 10 ten.
ju ichi = 11 eleven.
ju ni = 12 twelve.
ni ju = 20 twenty.
ni ju ichi = 21 twenty-one.
san ju = 30 thirty.
yon ju = 40 forty.
go ju = 50 fifty.
roku ju = 60 sixty.
nana ju = 70 seventy.
hachi ju = 80 eighty.
ku ju = 90 ninety.
sen = 100 one hundred.
ni sen = 200 two hundred.
jukkyu = 10th kyu; the lowest kyu rank.
kyukyu = 9th kyu.
hachikyu = 8th kyu.
nanakyu = 7th kyu.
rokkyu = 6th kyu.
gokyu = 5th kyu.
yonkyu = 4th kyu.
sankyu = 3rd kyu.
nikyu = 2nd kyu.
ikkyu = 1st kyu; the highest kyu rank.
dan = black belt ranks in aikido.
shodan = beginning (1st degree) black belt rank (1st dan).
nidan = 2nd dan.
sandan = 3rd dan.
yondan = 4th dan.
godan = 5th dan.
rokudan = 6th dan.
nanadan = 7th dan.
hachidan = 8th dan.
kyudan = 9th dan.
judan = 10th dan; the highest black belt rank.
shokyu = the lowest ki rank.
chukyu = the ki rank which is one rank higher than shokyu.
jokyu = the ki rank which is one rank higher than chukyu.
shoden = ki rank which is one rank higher than jokyu.
chuden = ki rank which is one rank higher than shoden.
okuden = the highest ki rank.